An unmistakable title from the unforgettable film and television franchise, Fame The Musical inspired generations to fight for fame and light up the sky like a flame! The show follows the final class of New York City's celebrated High School for the Performing Arts from their admission in 1980 to their graduation in 1984. All of the struggles, fears and triumphs – from prejudice to substance abuse – are depicted with razor-sharp focus as the young artists navigate the worlds of music, drama and dance.
Conceived & Developed by David de silva. Book by Jose Fernandez, Lyrics by Jaques Levy, Music by Steve Margoshes. Title Song 'FAME' written by dean pitchford & michael gore.
Cast |
Nick Piazza |
Lincoln Tapping |
Serena Katz |
Charlotte Williams |
Joe Vegas |
James Massey |
Tyrone Jackson |
Wyatt Gordon |
Carmen Diaz |
Eloise Kirk |
Iris Kelly |
Beth Tandy |
Mabel Washington |
Cat Perez |
Grace 'Lambchops' Lamb |
Phil Bialas |
Schlomo Metzenbaum |
Ellis Kinnear |
Goodman 'Goody' King |
Em Bialas |
Ms Esther Sherman |
Samantha Ferguson |
Ms Greta Bell |
Nicole George |
Mr Myers |
Darren Bliston |
Mr Sheinkopf |
Darren Gould |
Heidi Clanger |
Tijana Simish |
Paisley Grey |
Paige Montebello |
Sid Sorokin |
Robert Kett |
Jeremy Clock |
Sage Palmer |
Lauren St Clair |
Lili Thoms |
Edward Jones |
Matthias Zver |
Rosealee Adams |
Mishka Miller |
Jason Ramirez |
Joshua Vickery |
Sam shorts |
Liam Gould |
Maddison Murphy |
Eibhlis Newman |
Hayley Rose |
Mikayla Wyartt |
Janitor |
Adam Salathiel |
Young Miss Sherman |
Amber Salathiel |
Ingrid Louis |
Isabelle Carr |
young ms bell |
Sydnee Gould |
Crew |
Director |
Cat Rippon |
Assistant Director |
Jodie Sweetman |
Musical Director |
Liam House |
Choreographer |
Zoe jay |
Stage Manager |
Stephen Carr |
Production Manager |
Adam Salathiel |
Assistant Production Manager |
Marie-Louise Earle-Sadler |
Producers |
Kelly Salathiel |
Adam Salathiel |
Hoodie Design |
Teesh Watson |
Props & Costumes |
Rochelle Hayward |
Set Design & Construction |
Adam Salathiel |
Stephen Carr |
Peter Pear Carr |
Cat Rippon |
Lighting Design |
Lighting Operation |
Alex Thorburn |
Follow Spot Operator |
Eleanor Weller |
Sound Design |
Stephen Carr |
Sound Operation |
Alex Coutts-Smith |
Band |
Liam House |
Sean Williams |
Samantha Marley |
Alisdair Vincent |
Vlad Sturdy |
Chris Heindl |
Andy Vuori |
Joelle Chen-Yeo |
Ken Ellis |
Kira O'dell |
Gordon the Optom | Read full review:
"This is a vivacious show, filled with great singing, amazing dancing and a huge amount of fun. A show for the whole family."